Le Morne Mythical mountain
Located in the southwest of Mauritius, this mountain has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2008, and is one of the most beautiful hikes to do on the island.
It is a hike that is done rather easily for the 1st part. The 2nd part requires you to go up in “Monkey Style” and to use your hands, which makes this mountain even more interesting to climb! The view from above is exceptional!
₨ 2,500.00/pers.
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Conditions d’annulation
Located in the southwest of Mauritius, this mountain has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2008, and is one of the most beautiful hikes to do on the island.
It is a hike that is done rather easily for the 1st part. The 2nd part requires you to go up in "Monkey Style" and to use your hands, which makes this mountain even more interesting to climb! The view from above is exceptional!
Do not forget your sunscreen, mosquito repellent, a cap or hat and your sunglasses. Plan at least 1.5L -2l of water and something to snack on, Do not take a bag that is too heavy.
Meeting place and GPS coordinates : Kite Lagoon
Duration of the activity:
It all depends on your pace. On average we estimate 3h-3h30. Departure time is to be confirmed depending on the time of year. 7am in summer and rather 9am in winter.
Minimum ages:
This outing is suitable for more experienced walkers
Love and practice a little hiking. People with vertigo can enjoy the 1st part and stop at the 1st viewpoint.
Very important info:
The hike is canceled in the event of heavy rain.
Number of people: max 12
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Nos tarifs comprennent selon l’activité, un petit déjeuner, un snack ou un pic nique. Un minimum de participant peut être requis sur certaines sorties et si le minimum n’est pas atteint nous reporterons la sortie ou un tarif exclusif vous sera proposé.
En cas d’annulation à moins de 48 heures de l’activité, cette dernière sera considérée comme due. Le client s’engage lors de la réservation à payer son activité en cas de no show (absence) par virement sur le compte de Lokal Adventure : MCB 000448168103 ou par cash ou sur le site.
En cas de retard, nous attendons maximum 15 min avant de le considérer comme un No show et l’activité due.
Aucune activité ne sera remboursée à moins que la sortie ne soit annulée (par Lokal Adventure ou son équipe) pour cause de mauvais temps.
L’activité est maintenue en cas de temps couvert et de pluies passagères, sauf si considérée risquée pour le groupe. Lokal Adventure et son staff, seront seuls juges de l’annulation ou l’arrêt de l’activité.
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